Shop Domains –

Shop Domains

Welcome to the latest Dandashop offering.

Here is the 1st Dandashop domain for sale click here  to view

Buying and registering a CO.ZA domain in South Africa sounds very straight forward, but there is a lot more to it than meets the eye.

Dandashop can assist in looking for used domains for sale in South Africa or in identifying a new domain name and can also register the domain for you in South Africa..

Should you like to buy an aged domain, the benefit is that they usually have built up a large amount of search engine integrity and backlinks, which you can use to your advantage.

On the other hand, if you register a new domain, you will need to start building up search engine rankings from start.

Here is the 1st Dandashop domain for sale click here  to view

South Africa’s most popular top level domains (87.67%)

Not surprisingly, the domain extension sits in number one position with 1,350,510 registrations as at 28 March 2023. Classified as a country-specific top level domain, serves to show that a website is specific to a local South African audience and tells search engines that it's website content is best served to people residing in SA.

To view any .CO.ZA domain availability click here ..

For more info or if you have a domain you would like to sell, feel welcome to send an email to


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